People’s ideal number of remote work days is slipping, according to a March survey. Even though the majority want flexibility in choosing when and where they work, a growing part of the workforce doesn’t want to work from home at all in the future. Understanding that many employees don’t have a proper office set-up, you can consider offering support in creating a better remote work environment. As the stats show, employees feel like they have to over-compensate when working from home, so it’s important that you help support a normal routine for them. It’s not just work-related stressors that are fueling work-from-home fatigue. The reality is that the pandemic has generated massive global uncertainty, from the economy and personal finances to health, relationships, and what lies ahead.

working from home fatigue

“Get up at approximately the same time every day,” Dr. Browning says. “Even though you may not have to get up to go into the office, keep setting your alarm to help your body know when the start of the day is.” Shower, get dressed, and try to eat at regular times. But deciding whether to acknowledge your bad work habits by setting boundaries or simply maintaining fellowship with your coworkers, depends on you. Knowing which area your fatigue stems from is essential so you can take or follow the appropriate measure to stop it. Also, try planning weekly or monthly team-building activities such as playing online games and answering trivia questions. As previously mentioned, humans are social beings, and we thrive in relationships.

Why WFH Burnout and Zoom Fatigue Happen

We can’t plan and predict every aspect of our lives, and that uncertainty can be scary and draining. “Resist the temptation to ignore or distract yourself from what’s worrying you. It’s normal to be anxious, don’t feel bad about that, but there are things that you can do to get it out of your head.” If it is impossible to meet face-to-face with coworkers, do so with family and friends instead. The tension these examples cause among teams, if they are commonplace, exacerbates fatigue for everyone.

Reducing meetings to less than an hour allows attendees to have quick breaks in between meetings. It may take a few meetings to get the cadence, but attendees will appreciate getting more time back on their schedule. Unfortunately, the vast majority of efforts to address WFH burnout try to treat the symptoms without addressing the root causes.

Work from Home Fatigue by the Numbers

Working with folks you have never met in person can be a strange feeling. If possible, it may be worthwhile to occasionally meet up with remote coworkers in real life. Team members located in the same area or passing through a coworker’s city can meet up and spend time together. Little human contact, a lack of a healthy routine, and a breakdown of the boundaries between life and work can strip you of motivation while zapping your energy levels.

With everyone engaged on the topic, it’s easier to find different ways to combat the work stress and fatigue that people are experiencing. “Getting into new routines and rhythms for living and working will affect our energy levels — it’s a big change to adapt to,” says Nerina Ramlakhan, Ph.D., a sleep therapist and author of Fast Asleep, Wide Awake Ramlakhan. Also, without a physical separation between work and home, you could be working longer hours than before. “Working from home can have a huge impact on energy levels because it blurs the lines between personal and professional, which can leave us feeling unable to switch off,” adds Dr. Ramlakhan. However, no style of work is the ultimate solution, and with the onset of remote work, the boundaries between one’s professional and personal life are blurred.

#5 The Boundaries Between Work and Personal Life Are Blurred

For example, organizing a swag-stash, meeting a prospective client for coffee, helping with a company philanthropy event, or attending an industry event or in-person training. It may be worthwhile to ask your employer for permission to swap out online to-dos for these real-world tasks. A better approach is to plan ongoing team building activities before morale drops. Having recurring dates for activities on the calendar creates a sense of normalcy around the occasion. The recurring nature of the events means that team members do not feel pressured to attend any one outing, yet reminders and RSVP’s create a sense of accountability that encourages employees to attend. With repeated outings, teammates feel more like part of a club than guests at a one-off event.

According to a report by Fast Company, remote workers are putting in, on average, an extra 3.13 hours per day. As a matter of fact, workers who are slightly more productive are logging an extra 4.64 hours each day. Now more than ever, it’s important to make sure your employees are emotionally stable and happy with their work-from-home (WFH) environment. Seeing how a record number of people are quitting their jobs due to more job availability, ensuring your company’s success requires keeping your best people.

Also, give yourself a break after each meeting – get a snack or a drink, and step away from your computer to re-energise. If you work at home, it’s highly likely that you’ll move a lot less throughout the day, which can contribute to feeling tired and a lack of motivation. Try to add extra movement into your day, whether that’s yoga in the living room, a quick walk on a treadmill, or a run around the block at lunchtime.

Can working from home cause fatigue?

Also, without a physical separation between work and home, you could be working longer hours than before. "Working from home can have a huge impact on energy levels because it blurs the lines between personal and professional, which can leave us feeling unable to switch off," adds Dr. Ramlakhan.

There are so many incredible classes available online that you can sign your whole team up for. It can be something that is beneficial to your company and customers, or you can select something that is just for fun. Try a cooking or art class if you want to provide some light-hearted fun. There are some college courses that are free to sign up for and will offer some great team conversations as people work through them. Lukin Center for Psychotherapy provides therapy as well as a variety of excellent resources for remote workers.

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But it will surely kill your energy and drain you to the point of fatigue. While this looks different for every company, attempt to find less obvious ways of checking in regularly so that employees don’t feel under pressure or constantly scrutinized. Ask people how they are managing their work/life balance and workload, now they are working from home.

What is work from home screen fatigue?

  • Work in a Brightly Lit Room.
  • Utilize Light and Brightness Settings on Devices.
  • Invest in Blue Light Glasses.
  • Use the 20-20-20 Rule.
  • Take Tech-Free Breaks.
  • Maintain Good Posture.
  • Refrain from Multitasking on Video Meetings.
  • Hide the Self-View on Virtual Meetings.

Non-work socialization can improve your mood and make the workday feel less lonely. Beyond the essentials, you can also add extras that elevate your home office space. For instance, pedal bikes to promote physical activity or standing desks to help with alertness. Having nutritious snacks and a large water bottle within reach can encourage healthy habits and prevent detours, as well as make you feel physically better. This helps to keep your brain on a specific schedule and maintains a good workflow.

Build productive remote teams

Video calls are exhausting as they take more concentration and cause Zoom fatigue. These statistics make it clear that employers need to adapt to the new “normal” by setting up appropriate work-from-home parameters for employees. As WFH becomes a normal part of our lives, it’s important to ensure that employees are emotionally taken care of as this will reduce risks to your company. It’s important to ensure that employees who work from home are taken care of. Perceived noise and crowding were measured with one item each (Marshall, 1972). Participants were asked to rate if the home office ‘felt crowded’, and if ‘it was noisy (inside the flat/house or outside)’.

  • Respondents who used the possibility to work from home were asked to indicate from a list of eight possible motives, which ones applied to them.
  • So when there’s a lack of the latter (i.e., when you’re bored), you’ll want to fall asleep.
  • However, remote workers may also work longer hours, have to share workspaces with family or roommates, and feel disconnected from the rest of the company.
  • As WFH becomes a normal part of our lives, it’s important to ensure that employees are emotionally taken care of as this will reduce risks to your company.
  • The sweet spot for feeling engaged, empowered and fulfilled – at least for most surveyed office workers – is working from the office at a minimum of three days per week.
  • Studies have shown that even a short walk can help you feel a little more energised and fresher at work.